Sunday, October 05, 2008

Now I have a tongue tattoo

The Duke Spirit are one of those bands where I don't listen to their CDs a great deal, where I don't know what half their songs are called, I have no idea what the names of the band are without looking them up (except for Leila of course and I usually end up spelling her surname wrong) but I've seen them live 7 times (3 support, 4 headlining). I've also taken a few snaps of them along the way.

I think they're genuinely one of the better live acts out there at the moment, so it was good to trot down to The Astoria on Tuesday (hopefully not for the last time) to catch up with Ms Moss and the boys. Can't say it was the best show I've seen them do (I think that may have been this one), although it was still a fine night out. Took a couple of songs to kick in, and every once in a while it felt like they just slipped out of gear for a while.

After some pondering I've come to the conclusion that what they needed was more smoke.

Anyway, we left a couple of songs early because I have to be a responsible working person these days and I figure I have a few tunes in credit with them.

Still, I greatly enjoyed listening to a woman loudly and at length complaining about how annoying it is when people talk through gigs. Bugs the shit out of me too.

It was good to be back in The Astoria again; reminded me what a great little venue it is. Hope it sticks around for a little longer.

In other news, I dropped a drill on my foot rehanging some curtains on Saturday, which I'm sure you'll all agree was a really stupid thing to do.

Fire's on.

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